Voicing the Heart

voicing the heart

With Sue

Next Date: tba

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The heart is the space where the truth of the soul resides. Sound allows us access to this deep profound space, our own sound is the most attuned instrument for our well being. It is all right there.

Voicing the Heart is the space to continue to be heard within the support of the listening soul, the expression of yourself through voice. We help ourselves and others express themselves by opening their hearts though the joy of sound. This is not singing often not even necessarily words, more gathering in group energy to support each other in sound without judgement. To be free and flowing together in voice is liberating and releasing. Opening your heart to all that is and to be in gratitude for that.

No experience needed, just show up and share, booking essential.

To book contact Sue 07982245322 indulgentyou@gmail.com